About Me
Marlise Wabun Wind, M.S., is the author of twelve nonfiction books, with over two million copies in print worldwide in many languages. She has a novel awaiting publication and more books in progress. Marlise has written about earth spirituality, visionary people and experiences, community, the environment, love, relationships, parenting, female energy, allopathic and complementary medicines, and living in harmony with the earth.
She spent close to twenty years in the western United States learning from indigenous people from a variety of traditions. She spent sixteen years working with Sun Bear the Ojibwa teacher who founded the Bear Tribe Medicine Society. She was his medicine helper, coauthor, and cofounder of the Bear Tribe Community on Vision Mountain in Washington. She coauthored six books with him including The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology which has been in print for thirty-eight years and has been available in thirteen languages. She helped to organize and coordinate twenty Medicine Wheel Gatherings. At these events, indigenous teachers from many parts of the world came together to share their knowledge with the 500 to 1200 attendees.
As a ceremonialist, she has guided vision quests and sweat lodge ceremonies, and has performed weddings, adoptions of blood and heart relations, baby and child blessings, bestowing of spiritual names, seasonal ceremonies and memorials.

There is beauty before me
There is beauty behind me
Heart sister Claire Jozan-Meisel (left) from LUNAFEMINA and Marlise Wabun Wind (right)
She has directed two non-profit educational organizations, founded a publishing company, edited a magazine, and worked as both a literary agent and a publishing consultant. Marlise is now traveling and teaching again following the instructions given to her by indigenous teachers and elders to bring to people the knowledge she gained from working with them.
She has been married for more than thirty years to a child psychiatrist and is the mother of an adult daughter who is a healer and artist. She has lectured at schools, conferences, and retreat centers in the United States, Europe and Asia.