By Jennifer Patten and Marlise Wabun Wind

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the natural world? Are your true friends and helpers all in human form? Not according to Earth Astrology, the philosophical system established by the vision of Sun Bear, an Ojibwa teacher and healer to “help all people relate better to our Earth Mother . . . and find a kinship with the universe.”
Discover hidden treasures to enlighten your journey through life and attune to the wonders of nature. This incredible visionary man taught millions of people all around the world that humans are not the only important part of life, and that they could live more fulfilling lives if they recognized their relationship with Mother Earth and all of the beings who live upon her.
Journey with the Medicine Wheel will help you learn from your animal guides as you search for truth and wisdom. This introductory guide will show you how to live in harmony with Mother Earth, honoring her cycles and the interconnectedness of all life. It is a tool for personal growth and self-discovery. It will give you direction and a path to follow as you keep moving around the Circle of Life, gathering new knowledge about how your body, mind, and spirit are one.
This is a very crucial time in history. Changes need to be made to honor the sacred Cycle of Life and help heal the earth. Are you ready to be a part of this and live a fuller, happier life? Then, begin by taking a short and powerful Journey with the Medicine Wheel.
About The Authors
Jennifer Patten is an enrolled member of the Osage Tribe, a practicing certified Life Coach, a former Montessori teacher and author of six educational curriculums. Jennifer hosted the National Indian Education Association’s (NIEA) 29th annual conference in Nashville bringing together over 3000 Indian educators, the first time this many Native American people converged on Tennessee soil since the infamous Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act of 1838. With family in the entertainment industry and the arts, Jennifer’s teachings of the Medicine Wheel have helped to bring them guidance. Jennifer lives on her self-made sanctuary outside of Nashville, which features a two-acre lake surrounded by 1700 acres of hiking trails, prolific gardens, a babbling creek and two great dogs. Her personal goal is to assist in creating Medicine Wheels all over the world to aid in personal and planetary healing.
Marlise Wabun Wind, M.S., is the author of twelve nonfiction books, with over two million copies in print worldwide in many languages. She spent close to twenty years in the western United States, working with indigenous people from a variety of traditions. She was Sun Bear’s medicine helper, coauthor, and co-founder of the Bear Tribe Community on Vision Mountain in Washington. As a ceremonialist she has guided hundreds of vision quests and sweat lodge ceremonies, and has performed weddings, baby and child blessings, seasonal ceremonies and memorials. She has been married for more than thirty years to a child psychiatrist and is the mother of an adult daughter who is a healer and artist. She has lived with rescue dogs, cats, turtles, birds, horses, hamsters, guinea pigs and chinchillas. She has lectured at schools, conferences, and retreat centers in the United States, Europe and Asia. Her goal as an elder is to keep helping the earth, and to enjoy life.